[solved] virtualboxWithExtpack build fails, no space left on device

Update: solved by increasing / (tmpfs) size from 2G to 4G, and rebuilding and restarting. The restart was required, as increasing / size using nixos-rebuild switch but without restarting did not solve the problem. I also scripted nixos-rebuild to create and mount a larger than default /build partion on tmpfs, where much of the compiling and build occurs. See build script in comments below.

I was under the impression that all build activity takes place in /nix, which on my system has its own separate zfs dataset and mount point and plenty of space. But I see now it uses /build, and was hitting my previous 2G / on tmpfs limit.

Hello, I’m trying to include virtualboxWithExtPack in my build, but it fails with the ‘No space left on device’ error. nixos-rebuild dry-build succeeds, but nixos-rebuild dry-activate fails with this error.

This is a fresh NixOS install with plenty of both disk space and inodes. The out-of-the-ordinary aspects are, / is on tmpfs, and the rest of the filesystem is ZFS datasets with ZFS-native encryption.

Has anyone experienced this problem and have any insight into why the build is failing?

(Fwiw, replacing virtualboxWithExtPack with virtualbox virtualboxExtPack also fails to build, but doesn’t give specific errors why, just that dependencies failed to build. virtualbox alone builds successfully.)

> df -h                                                                           master [80778b6] modified untracked
Filesystem          Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs            3.2G     0  3.2G   0% /dev
tmpfs                32G     0   32G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                16G   13M   16G   1% /run
tmpfs                32G  432K   32G   1% /run/wrappers
tmpfs               2.0G   46M  2.0G   3% /
rpool/local/nix     863G   21G  843G   3% /nix
rpool/safe/persist  843G  2.0M  843G   1% /persist
rpool/safe/home     861G   19G  843G   3% /home
rpool/local/opt     845G  2.1G  843G   1% /opt
/dev/sdb1           953M   41M  912M   5% /boot
tmpfs               6.3G  124K  6.3G   1% /run/user/1000

> df -hi                                                                          master [80778b6] modified untracked
Filesystem         Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
devtmpfs             7.9M   674  7.9M    1% /dev
tmpfs                7.9M     1  7.9M    1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                7.9M  3.2K  7.9M    1% /run
tmpfs                7.9M    39  7.9M    1% /run/wrappers
tmpfs                7.9M   427  7.9M    1% /
rpool/local/nix      1.7G  1.3M  1.7G    1% /nix
rpool/safe/persist   1.7G   106  1.7G    1% /persist
rpool/safe/home      1.7G  150K  1.7G    1% /home
rpool/local/opt      1.7G   44K  1.7G    1% /opt
/dev/sdb1               0     0     0     - /boot
tmpfs                1.6M   157  1.6M    1% /run/user/1000

Some examples of the (many) ‘No space left’ dry-activate errors are:

{standard input}: Fatal error: can't close /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UITabBar.o: No space left on device
kmk: *** [/build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/kBuild/footer-pass2-compiling-targets.kmk:277: /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UITabBar.o] Error 1
The failing command:
<too long to list>
kBuild: Compiling VirtualBox - /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.cpp
In file included from /nix/store/bxdqxgdqbyrjbxzmpc6xldbg0qv7vppc-qtbase-5.14.2-dev/include/QtCore/qglobal.h:105,
                 from /nix/store/bxdqxgdqbyrjbxzmpc6xldbg0qv7vppc-qtbase-5.14.2-dev/include/QtGui/qtguiglobal.h:43,
                 from /nix/store/bxdqxgdqbyrjbxzmpc6xldbg0qv7vppc-qtbase-5.14.2-dev/include/QtWidgets/qtwidgetsglobal.h:43,
                 from /nix/store/bxdqxgdqbyrjbxzmpc6xldbg0qv7vppc-qtbase-5.14.2-dev/include/QtWidgets/qcombobox.h:43,
                 from /nix/store/bxdqxgdqbyrjbxzmpc6xldbg0qv7vppc-qtbase-5.14.2-dev/include/QtWidgets/QComboBox:1,
                 from /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.cpp:19:
/build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/qtmoc/UIFormEditorWidget.moc:818:1: fatal error: closing dependency file /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.o.dep: No space left on device
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}: Fatal error: can't write 6 bytes to section .text of /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.o: 'No space left on device'
{standard input}: Fatal error: can't close /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.o: No space left on device
kmk: *** [/build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/kBuild/footer-pass2-compiling-targets.kmk:277: /build/VirtualBox-6.1.22/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBox/src/widgets/UIFormEditorWidget.o] Error 1
kmk: *** Exiting with status 2
builder for '/nix/store/63m2s3cnxmkjj947pdxb1kp7r1dsg2r8-virtualbox-6.1.22.drv' failed with exit code 2
note: build failure may have been caused by lack of free disk space
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I’ve been running into similar issues and I am also trying to build zfs support in the kernel. I upgraded from a 32 GB drive to a 128 GB drive and it didn’t help.

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Yeah, you have to increase the size of /build before rebuilding. Experiment with different /build sizes till you find what works. VirtualBox required 10G on my system. If you have enough RAM, mount /build in tmpfs instead of on disk, then unmount after the build finishes. I scripted nixos-rebuild to do that, here’s my script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Rebuild NixOS.  Snapshots system before rebuilds that are not dry-run, 
# dry-activate, or rollback.  Expects one required argument to nixos-rebuild:
# 'switch', 'boot', 'test', 'build', 
# 'build-vm', 'build-vm-with-bootloader' 
# 'dry-rebuild', 'dry-activate'
# optional arguments begin with --.  Ex: --upgrade, --upgrade-all, --rollback, etc.

#error handling on
set -e

pprint () {
    local cyan="\e[96m"
    local default="\e[39m"
    # ISO8601 timestamp + ms
    local timestamp
    #timestamp=$(date +%FT%T.%3NZ)
	timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%T-%Z)
    echo -e "${cyan}${timestamp} $1${default}" 1>&2


#snapshot before every nixos-rebuild, but not dry runs or rollbacks
if [[ "$@" =~ 'dry' || "$@" =~ 'rollback' ]]
	pprint "Dry run or rollback, skipping ZFS snapshot.";
	sleep 1;
	pprint "Mounting /build to tmpfs ... ";
	umount /build || :
	mkdir -p /build
	mount -v -t tmpfs -o defaults,size=10G,mode=755 tmpfs /build;
	sleep 1;
	pprint "Starting nixos-rebuild -v --show-trace $@ ... ";
	sleep 1;
	nixos-rebuild -v --show-trace $@;
	sleep 1;
	pprint "nixos-rebuild $@ complete, unmounting /build ...";
	umount -Rv /build;
	pprint "Done.";
	pprint "nixos-rebuild $@ requested, creating zfs snapshot -r rpool@pre-rebuild-snap-$timestamp ... ";
	zfs snapshot -r rpool/safe/persist@pre-rebuild-snap-$(date +%Y%m%d-%T-%Z);
	sleep 1;
	pprint "Mounting /build to tmpfs ... ";
	umount /build || :
	mkdir -p /build
	mount -v -t tmpfs -o defaults,size=10G,mode=755 tmpfs /build;
	sleep 1;
	pprint "Starting nixos-rebuild -v --show-trace $@ ... ";
	sleep 1;
	nixos-rebuild -v --show-trace $@;
	sleep 1;
	pprint "nixos-rebuild $@ complete, unmounting /build ...";
	umount -Rv /build;
	pprint "Done.";