2022-09-08 Documentation team meeting notes #9

Attendees: @fricklerhandwerk @lucperkins @infinisil @domenkozar

Notes: @fricklerhandwerk

Other topics

  • @infinisil we should have a single scratchpad, then all meeting parameters will be constant and can be linked in a calendar event
  • @infinisil would be good to have a GitHub team for Nix documentation
    • will create one

Next time

  • @fricklerhandwerk would like to talk about visual outline
    • make it smaller and focused on nix.dev, link to existing tutorials
    • @domenkozar also make honeypot links, where clicking would prompt people to create an issue from a template
      • @fricklerhandwerk can we program this like mailto: URLs (where it’s possible to pre-fill the email)?
      • no, it would be enough to pre-create the issues, as there will be not too many anyway
        • also creating too many issues will be confusing
        • @infinisil instruct people to vote on them to figure out priorities
  • @fricklerhandwerk we don’t have a way to measure priorities
    • @infinisil there are just too many things to work on
    • what about the following: create an issue/pull request query sorted by thumbs up
      • instruct users to look through that list and vote with thumbs up
      • instruct maintainers to look into that query and actually work it off in order
      • @infinisil @domenkozar sounds good
    • will update