2025-03-24 Nix team meeting minutes #221

A little incomplete, as in some previous meetings we’ve posted notes directly without tracking them.

2025-03-24 Nix team meeting minutes #221

Monday hacking session

Attendees: @edolstra @mightyiam @Mic92 @tomberek @roberth @ericson2314


Release prep

Fixed operational stability bug for infra
Ready for point releases

builtins.catchEvalErrors by mightyiam · Pull Request #12705 · NixOS/nix · GitHub

@edolstra: Catching blackholes should probably not become part of the language spec
@roberth: It can be defined, and be separate from similar “recursion errors” like infinite data structures (corecursion) and stack overflows
@mightyiam: Can investigate if Nixpkgs needs this
@edolstra: Probably not; hasn’t needed it before. nix-env also doesn’t catch such errors

Part 2:

After deliberating between @roberth and @mightyiam, we have come up with an alternative, to add a --replace-eval-errors to the CLI(s) behind a feature flag.

WIP: init seqWithCallPos by hsjobeki · Pull Request #12715 · NixOS/nix · GitHub


  • Summary: it is safe to pass more info to a callback when the callback result (preferably including exception) is ignored.
  • Terminal size might be a bit “out there”; save that for when we have a use case for it
  • Something similar could be done for augmenting error messages
  • builtins.trace etc are forgotten when the eval cache hits (already a potential problem)

2025-03-19 Nix team meeting minutes #220

Wednesday triage meeting

Attendees: @Ericson2314 @tomberek @edolstra @Mic92


2025-03-03 Nix team meeting minutes #217

Monday work session

Attendees: @roberth @Ericson2314

nixVersions.nix_2_26: Update and improve packaging by roberth · Pull Request #383508 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Worked on.

Expand manual on derivation outputs by Ericson2314 · Pull Request #12442 · NixOS/nix · GitHub
