$50 Packaging Bound: Aider

I’ve updated the flake to pull off nixpkgs-unstable instead of nixos-24.05. This is because grep-ast dependency (my recent package) and tree-sitter-languages (an existing package) are both available on the nixpkgs-unstable branch. I removed the local packages for those two that were in the overlay and flake. Maybe it will work for you, now? Try doing a nix flake upate on the aider-flake input or otherwise fetching the latest version of the flake to be sure you’re running it. I ran it locally against the ollama/llama3.1:70b model and it worked. Albeit incredibly slowly because my local graphics card is a 3050 which is apparently not supported by Ollama!

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Hey, just tested the latest commit, and it’s finally working. Thanks!!!
(I was having the same problems of other folks here)

Executed with nix develop git+https://src.thehellings.com/greg/aider-flake

Hi, jbotwell here. Thanks for the shoutout, @akaihola, and for being kind enough to help me out with a couple PR’s to get the repo in better shape. That said, I’d be happy to go based on a nixpkgs-based approach or with thehellings’ flake. I was/am happy for whomever to use mine, but it was mostly intended to provide my own nixos config with usable package, and I’m happy to defer to someone with a bit more experience for that

Also, I don’t know how much I can offer, but happy to help if needed. I did nix run git+https://src.thehellings.com/greg/aider-flake and it worked well for me. (nixos on x64, you can see my config at GitHub - jbotwell/mynix: My nix setup for various devices and profiles if you’d like more info. I’m testing on the xtx machine)

I tested the latest flake and it works great. I’m satisfied with the completeness here since I know it was a tone of work and happy to pay you out.

As an aside: How close are the PRs in nixpkgs.

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Wasn’t this supposed to be in nixpkgs ?

I’d like it to be for sure!

I’ve been reviewing plenty of PRs lately that are the dependencies that needs to get in nixpkgs before aider gets introduced. What are the status of this? Maybe @greg-hellings ?

All of the deps are now in. There was an already pending PR for aider-chat itself which I have been helping to participate in. It appears to be nearly ready, but upstream is releasing so quickly that it keeps pulling the rug out from under the PR as each round of it needs to wait for ofborg to process the full build which can take a few days. Meanwhile, upstream seems to be releasing at least 2 times per week. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/323927 is the active PR that we’re hoping to push through.

I just merged the PR, congratulations to all the people involved!


Just noticed this thread. Thanks to everyone that helped! (I’m the author of the PR)

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