Anyone have a configuration.nix setup to make systemd monitor `zpool status` and output an alert if errors are found?

Is anyone using systemd to monitor their zpool status and alert if an error is found? Currently I just manually check zpool status from time to time, but I’d like to automate that.

I can highly recommend prometheus. The prometheus-node-exporter will be able to let you know if there is an issue with any filesystem (IMHO, you want to know if there is a filesystem error of any kind - whether or not it’s zfs doesn’t really matter) in addition to providing specific zfs metrics.

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you got a Nixos configuration you wish to share for this… :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I’m checking it out, but this is just for my desktop workstation, so Prometheus may be overkill for that. The only filesystem I have on my workstation is ZFS, plus FAT32 for the EFI boot sector. All my important data is on ZFS so that’s primarily what I’m concerned about.

I would go for an easier way, create a simple shell script, that does zpool status, redirect the output to a file, grep the file for an error, and if so, send an e-mail

And use cron to do that at certain intervals…

Yes,I am older :wink:


Is it possible to configure all that in configuration.nix? I like keeping all this stuff there so it’s automatic on rebuilds and new installations.

For example, I have a systemd Tailscale service configured in configuration.nix, and was thinking I could do something similar to check for ZFS errors.

a lot can be done in configuration.nix, for examples:

now I am trying this:

# Enable cron service
  services.cron = {
    enable = true;
    systemCronJobs = [
      "*/10 * * * *     jane    ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | grep -ozP 'state:\sONLINE\n(.*\n.*){1,}errors:\sNo\sknown\sdata\serrors\n' || ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | swaks --body -"

swaks is used for sending mail, then you do not need a local mail server, see, with a .swaksrc file with the --to and --from mail addresses defined, but you can define --to and --from also on the command line, just like the --body option

for clarification: the commands after the || are only executed if the grep command returns a non zero, that is when there is no exact match, and the - at the end let’s the piping work

(edited because of my wrong zpool return value assumption)

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on a side note, if you need inspiration, and see what people are doing with crons in nixOS try.

which has all manner of cron examples! :slight_smile:

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see what people are doing with crons in nixOS

Replacing them with systemd services and timers? :laughing:


i’ve yet to discover kool kid systemd chops…but i guess systemd is here to stay, so i for one welcome our new overlords…

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OK, searched a little around, also read your suggestion, I came to this, sort of translated the cron job to systemd…

systemd.timers.zpool-check = {
  description = "check zpool status timer";
  wantedBy = [ "" ];
  partOf = [ "zpool-check.service" ];
  timerConfig = {
    OnCalendar = "*:0/10:0";
}; = {
  description = "check zpool status service";
  wantedBy = [ "" ];
  serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
  script = with pkgs; ''
    ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --body "test systemd service" --from --to
    out=$( ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 ) || echo $out | ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --from --to --body -

hmm, still a little to do, my assumption that zpool status would return non zero on error seems false… :wink:

[jane@nixos:~]$ zpool status
  pool: rpool
 state: DEGRADED
status: One or more devices has experienced an error resulting in data
        corruption.  Applications may be affected.
action: Restore the file in question if possible.  Otherwise restore the
        entire pool from backup.
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:00 with 69 errors on Mon Jan 17 01:37:38 2022

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        rpool       DEGRADED     0     0     0
          sda2      DEGRADED     0     0   252  too many errors
errors: List of errors unavailable: permission denied

errors: 27 data errors, use '-v' for a list

[jane@nixos:~]$ echo $?


Thanks to for helping me out!

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This is a start:

services.prometheus.exporters.node.enable = true;

We use prometheus extensively, so we have a lot of configuration around that - it isn’t super easy to extract meaningful snippets from that.

@M12 , you can drop systemd.timers.zpool-check completely and add startAt = "*:0/10:0"; to This gives you the timer “for free”.


god i hate it when unix commands don’t use the the standard way to return success/failure with $?

very annoying.

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OK for now it is:

systemd.timers.zpool-check = {
    description = "check zpool status timer";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
    partOf = [ "zpool-check.service" ];
    timerConfig = {
      OnCalendar = "*:0/10:0";
  }; = {
  description = "check zpool status service";
  wantedBy = [ "" ];
  serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
  script = with pkgs; ''
    # ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --body "test systemd service" --from --to
    ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | grep -ozP 'state:\sONLINE\n(.*\n.*){1,}errors:\sNo\sknown\sdata\serrors\n' || ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --from --to --body -

that sends an e-mail if NOT the words: state: ONLINE AND errors: No known data errors, are in the output of the zpool status command…

And the shorter version, thanks to @peterhoeg = {
    description = "check zpool status service";
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
    serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
    startAt = "*:0/10:0";
    script = with pkgs; ''
      # ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --body "test systemd service" --from --to
      ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | grep -ozP 'state:\sONLINE\n(.*\n.*){1,}errors:\sNo\sknown\sdata\serrors\n' || ${pkgs.zfs}/bin/zpool status 2>&1 | ${pkgs.swaks}/bin/swaks --from --to --body -

the script line starting with # can be used to test the e-mail sending and the timer, by removing the #

disclaimer: I am not responsible for any problems or data loss, by using this, that is your own choice

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Thank you all, very much appreciated!

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And if you are worried, changes in zpool status are not picked up by these two checks (see above), then maybe this is something more secure, using shasum to detect a change in output:

first calculate your hash:

jane@nixos ~> zpool status | shasum
eb7333f252ea5e39d0759b9aae9e4f7026035cb7  -

use that value in your grep argument, output is true when the same

jane@nixos ~> zpool status | shasum | grep 'eb7333f252ea5e39d0759b9aae9e4f7026035cb7  -'
eb7333f252ea5e39d0759b9aae9e4f7026035cb7  -

I changed the hash on purpose (yes on the wrong side), now a false is returned

jane@nixos ~> zpool status | shasum | grep 'eb7333f252ea5e39d0759b9aae9e4f7026035cb6  -'
jane@nixos ~ [0|0|1]>

of course when you change something in your zpool, you have to change the shasum value in the test, but I am sure you get e-mail alerts, if you forgot :wink:


you can use zpool status -x to at least simplify the output

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