Anyone install khal with home-manager?

I am having problems getting khal installed using home-manager. This what I have:

  programs.khal = {
      enable = true;
      settings = {
          "\[mycalendar\]" = {
              path = "~/.config/khal/calendars/";
        default = {
            default_calendar = "mycalendar";
            timedelta = "5d";

khal gets installed, but I get errors when I run it:

critical: parsing the config file with the following error: Cannot compute the section depth at line 2.
critical: if you recently updated khal, the config file format might have changed, in that case please consult the CHANGELOG or other documentation
If your configuration file used to work, please have a look at the Changelog to see what changed.

Does anyone have this working, or can give me some pointers?

Why not just mycalendar?

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