Recently, I have started having an issue with some apps (so far, 1password and todoist - both electron) where when I open them, they go to the system tray, but I cannot get the main window to show up when I try to open them.
Relaunching does not help
opening at the terminal does not produce any errors that are consistent across the apps
tried running 1password with the log level at debug, nothing interesting
rebuilds, nor toggling between stable/unstable makes a difference
I suspect it must be electron-related
the base system is running on stable (24.05)
it happens on both of my systems built from the same flake, but one is AMD, and one is NVIDIA, so I am not entirely convinced it is GPU-related.
Tried running the apps with nvidia-offload on my laptop to see if it would exhibit different behaviour (does not)
running GNOME Shell 46.2, 1password version 8.10.48, todoist version v7068 (beta)
Is anyone else running into this, or similar? Maybe with other apps? ANy suggestions?
OK, one additional bit of info. I rebuilt my system using the Budgie desktop, and my issues disappeared. Still hoping for some input as I do not plan to stay on Budgie.
Eh, I can’t lie. Now that I configured Budgie, it is kind of awesome. Snappy, and everything is working. I “suspect” it may help because it is still X11.
I think it might be a Wayland / Nvidia / Nix issue. It’s annoying because I have an app, Rstudio (which I think might be Electron), that works fine only in X11 on a machine running proprietary Nvidia drivers. If I comment out the Nvidia driver lines in the configuration, Rstduio will run fine in a Wayland session. On my laptop without the Nvidia card, the same app runs fine in Wayland KDE and GNOME. I’m curious about Budgie, though, and will give it a try.
I’m confused about what you’re expecting @brnix as gnome doesn’t have a “system tray.” When I hide apps that have system tray integration on other desktops, they only show in the dock, like keepassxc.
App indicator is the proper term. Sorry, I had the extension enabled. System tray/App indicator aside, the app windows would not even render under gnome (while running in the background). I removed the extension and had the same behaviour. Some apps would not run.