Asus Zenbook Duo (2024 / UX8406MA) & NixOS

Hi, set up backlight with systemd daemon process, works well! Sorry flickering might not be the word to describe it, i mean like sensitive to light when it occassually dims or brightness screen a bit according to some ambient light changes when i supposedly dont do anything, might be totally the window shades.

Anyhow, everything is looking very good, the last thing which would be nice would be backlight for keyboard, but on windows it did light up only when attached anyway *shrugs

Are you sure the flickering is not what I described here?

No im pretty sure. But havent worked enough with pc, will keep ur post in mind in case…

I have narrowed down the 6.9 secondary display problem to this merge commit. I will bisect further when I get time.


The auto flickering i am referring to is the brightness bar in upper right menu jumping up and down, when the auto-brightness is enabled. It doesn’t seem to stay constantly on one value, at least not when im in total darkness, one theory was that it might be light reflecting from me but doesn’t seem so. So from what i read i think this is clearly not the flickering you were referring to. On windows there is not such a problem, i tried one of your mentioned solutions of adding the psr property, but did not help.

6.9.4 still no go. Bottom display is just a black image.


Tried 6.9.5 and got the exact same behavior: bottom display is just black although reported as enabled. Plasma 6 on Wayland and X11 tested. Also tried 6.10-rc3 from linux_testing briefly and got the exact same behavior. 6.8.12 is rock solid. I wonder if this is a regression that will continue onward kernel releases (6.9 / 6.10 etc…). I have an external ssd, I’ll try Aurora (ublue) there with 6.9 and report back.

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Is there an appropriate channel to report the bottom display issue? 6.10-rc4 still presents the issue. I’m afraid this regression will be unresolved indefinitely since I imagine the Zenbook Duo being somewhat a niche product and we may end up stuck on 6.8.


Interesting observation, when I first got the second monitor enabled in Hyprland, I immediately noticed flickering (grays getting brighter and dimmer rapidly).

Just out of curiosity I tried enabling VRR, which I have disabled in my Hyprland config, and it actually resolved the flickering.

I have VRR disabled because on all my other computers, enabling VRR causes flickering, so this was unexpected.

misc {
    vrr = 1 # Somehow this laptop flickers when vrr *not* enabled

Blacklisting asus_nb_wmi stops the rfkill when connecting/disconnecting the keyboard:

boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [
  "asus_nb_wmi" # Kills the Wi-Fi any time I connect the keyboard

Volume controls still work in wireless mode so I’m not sure if I lose anything by disabling this module.

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It could be that enabling VRR limits the effects of PSR, which also causes flickering. I turn both off and have no flickering on KDE.

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Good to know that the keypress is actually handled by an ASUS-specific kernel module. We could probably just add some code to disable that key on this device.

Hi I tried reporting it to the kernel bugzilla and I was redirected to post the issue here. The reports seem very tech heavy, and I don’t have enough skills to report it properly. Would anyone be able to file an issue properly?


Thanks @tomassplatch for finding the right place – I’ll pull together the necessary info and file an issue with the i915 GitLab this afternoon.

Edit: Issue created – Asus Zenbook Duo UX8406MA Regression - Display Blank (#11488) · Issues · drm / i915 / kernel · GitLab.


Would anyone know how to go about setting up an Arch distro like CachyOS for compatibility with the Duo? I’ve been trying to use the scripts linked in this thread, but unfortunately I’m struggling, especially with the monitor setup portion, and this is quite a niche product, especially given its lack of inventory, so I can’t find anyone else in Discord channels and such.

Generally I think the monitor support scripts referred to in this thread add automation so that the secondary display is turned off/on when the keyboard is connected/disconnected, but, with the right kernel you should be able to manage the by hand through your desktop environment’s display settings.

So, if the problem is general lack of working display, then it is probably a kernel issue. The best general advice I could give is to make sure you’re on the latest 6.8 kernel. Before 6.7 there was no Meteor Lake Intel support, and 6.9 and later has some issues noted above. So make sure you can get CachyOS into 6.8.

If it works manually and the problem is just automation… maybe the Arch community might have some helpful advice? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to post something specific about what you’ve tried and what did or didn’t work, here, and maybe there’s something we could point out to try. It is all similar tech assembled in different ways. :grinning:

Hi, I find this little GTK app to be quite useful managing the two internal screens brightness sync + external monitor > GitHub - sidevesh/Luminance: A simple GTK application to control brightness of displays including external displays supporting DDC/CI

See, I’ve reached the part regarding the bottom screen toggle on GNOME.

There seems to be an issue: the gnome-monitor-config script isn’t executing, which in turn prevents ‘duo set-displays’ from executing successfully. I tried performing the meson build command to build gnome-monitor-config, but it fails due to the error shown in the image, and I can’t figure it out.

Thanks to Martin Kühne, the in the i915 bug thread he has now identified the regressing commit for the 6.9 kernel series that prevents the second display from working.

For NixOS this can be reverted as such:

boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_6_9;
boot.kernelPatches = [
  { name="zenbook-asus-hid"; patch = ./zenbook-asus-hid.patch; }
  { name="zenbook-asus-wmi"; patch = ./zenbook-asus-wmi.patch; }
  { name="zenbook-i915-revert-93cbc1accbcec2740231755774420934658e2b18"; patch = ./zenbook-i915-revert-93cbc1accbcec2740231755774420934658e2b18.patch; }

Only the last one is relevant to the display blanking issue; the other two are the patches from hacker1024 and flukejone’s work on asusctl.

The patch file can be downloaded here (zenbook-i915-revert-93cbc1accbcec2740231755774420934658e2b18.patch · GitHub) or generated from the linux source tree

git diff 93cbc1ac e7b2d82d > zenbook-i915-revert-93cbc1accbcec2740231755774420934658e2b18.patch

Earlier I had found the 6.9 series seemed to have sleep problems as well, but in a light/quick test I haven’t noticed any problems.


Just to confirm, I also compiled the 6.9.7 kernel on Fedora with these patches and it works again. Thank you, hopefully it will get upstream too.

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