Best way to contribute to documentation?

AFAIK we don’t have a Docs Leader. Also, we don’t have a docs dashboard/project/milestones. So all you can do now is follow Bazaar model and fix what you can.

There is ton of work on documentation (but first read why Docbook is still the tool of choice and how to stop worrying and love Docbook):

  • you can start fixing things you think were not clear for you
  • work on issues with tag needs: documentation
  • work on tags old: documentation and review issues with has: documentation. Unfortunately has: documentation often contains other changes
  • also, there are ideas to redesign manuals, you can throw your ideas as well

Ping me (@danbst) when you finish fix/review of PR, and I’ll do second review/merge. There are also other people willing to merge docs things - @domenkozar? @vcunat?

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