Binary Cache: SSL connect error


I recently (~2 weeks) started having trouble downloading from the nixos cache. Most of the downloads are failing with a SSL Connect error (35). After several fails, I am usually able to download the binaries.

While this is not a roadblock, this is pretty annoying.

For instance, when I try to build a derivation having a new dependency, it looks like this:

~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell 
warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 266 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 508 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1392 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 2356 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 4895 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 10018 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell   
warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 285 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 523 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1335 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 2106 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                           
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 332 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 503 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1276 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 2636 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 5336 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                             
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 317 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 575 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1012 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                                      
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 251 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 593 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1292 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                                          
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 313 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 600 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1217 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                                     
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 269 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 537 ms
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 1246 ms
^Cerror: interrupted by the user
~/Code/perso/haskell/ex-hack(master*) » nix-shell                                       
warning: unable to download '': SSL connect error (35); retrying in 313 ms
these derivations will be built:
these paths will be fetched (0.53 MiB download, 3.63 MiB unpacked):

I did not experience this network error anywhere outside of the nixos cache.

Am I the only one experiencing this problem? Is there any way to get a more detailed diagnosis?

That is very unfortunate, and this should not happen, obviously. Can you give some information about the host system, the nix version used and how you installed nix?

Also, how easy is it for you to reproduce?

Opened an issue: Users are reporting some issues with - gather information here · Issue #57 · NixOS/infra · GitHub

If anybody find this link later on, it seems like the problem is coming from an IPv6 compatibility problem between fastly and some technicolor routers.

More infos here: Change log | Rust SDK - #4 - DevHub comments - Fastly Community

Current fix: use IPv4.

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