BTRFS -- seeking installation advice

So what was the conclusion about noacl ? Should it be set for the root subvolume, or what? What does that part of your config look like?

@Atemu is correct - I misinterpreted the docs I linked to as implying that those are examples of properties that are subvolume-specific, but re-reading it after @Atemu said they actually tested it it’s probably meant to be exhaustive.

I’ve removed those flags from my config: rin: Remove btrfs mount options that don't work as expected · TLATER/dotfiles@810bd0e · GitHub


And what about noatime ? Is it good to put that on the root subvolume? And on all other subvolumes?

That fully depends on whether you or your applications need to be able to tell when a file was last accessed or not.

I’ve recently noticed that, while I do want an approximate access time for files, I don’t need one for directories and set nodiratime.