Build package/module for closed-source binary package Pulse Secure VPN


Can you explain me how to configure and lauch this ?

thank you

Sorry. Missed this.

You just change the protocol to nc.["sudo", "openconnect", "-C", dsid["value"], "--protocol=nc", "-u", user, host])

I am not sure what you mean by launch. But, I have this script as an overlay which is then installed as an executable in my path. You could simply launch it as python3

It would be nice if we could have a working ivanti package in nixpkgs, just like it says in Pulse Secure Connect VPN client (aka Ivanti Secure Access Client) · Issue #193434 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Did anybody get to a working solution that could be considered for inclusion there?

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I wrote pulse-cookie (my first public open-source package) and I’m glad someone’s using it! :smiley:

If only we didn’t have to…