Can't mount Samba share as a user

I’m only trying to write to a samba server in the simplest way possible :slight_smile:

Anyway, adding that line still does not change anything. Perhaps it is server side, it’s a Synology (:face_with_diagonal_mouth:) NAS, and I can write as the specified user to those drives, via the webui. Anyway, this is what the folders look like, they are owned by root all the way:

[freek@deneb:/mnt/arcturus]$ ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root users 0 20 dec 13:50 compute
drwxr-xr-x 2 root users 0  5 feb 11:40 incoming_data
drwxr-xr-x 2 root users 0  5 feb 12:28 qodon

I was able to mount a samba share on the command line, but was not able to get this in Dolphin on KDE, using nixs 24.11

For my build, I needed to update lib.getBin to pkgs.lib.getBin to get this to build on 24.11

I still cannot “browse” through Dolphin, but I typed in the direct smb://x.x.x.x/folder-name and that then prompted me for username and password. I can browse, but I cannot open files. Dr. Konqi keeps crashing with little information, but in the logs I think there is something up with .kioworker-wrapper. Not sure how to fix this.

I didn’t have these issues when using nixos 24.05 kde with xwayland.