Chromium with wayland switches

It may seem like chromium.override solution is not working anymore but it’s most-likely a side effect of a bug that caused your own --enable-features flag to actually be overridden.

It was fixed on Sep 2 so hopefully lands in stable branch soon:

P.S. I know we can now simply set

environment.sessionVariables { NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; };

but I want pass in more default flags so I need this overriding feature anyway.

chromium.override doesn’t work anymore actually.
I think it’s because they have removed eval in makeWrapper so commandLineArgs is actually not evaluated any more during build.

Does anyone know if this intentional or bug? (Same situation with brave btw)

One solution I’ve found is to use:

nixpkgs.config.chromium.commandLineArgs = "--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland"