Cmake pkg_search_module does not find libpoppler-qt5

Hi, I am trying to create a derivation for dspdfviewer.

I get the following error: None of the required 'poppler-qt5' found which is due to pkg_search_module(POPPLER REQUIRED poppler-qt5) in the cmake file. The derivation is

{ lib
, mkDerivation
, fetchFromGitHub
, boost
, cmake
, libsForQt5
, qtbase
, qttools

mkDerivation rec {
  pname = "dspdfviewer";
  version = "1.15.1";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "dannyedel";
    repo = pname;
    rev = "v${version}";
    sha256 = "0n1biiyi77inkyfmzfvl84jp69hqlnsphbr9j97gsh0np6pxnf1l";

  cmakeFlags = [ "-DBuildTests=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DDSPDFVIEWER_VERSION='${version}'" ];

  nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
  buildInputs =   [ boost libsForQt5.poppler qtbase qttools ];

  meta = with lib; {
    description = "Viewer for latex-beamer presentations that are built with the «show notes on second screen»-option";
    homepage = "";
    license = licenses.gpl2;
    maintainers = [ maintainers.mschneider ];

which is called as dspdfviewer = libsForQt5.callPackage ../applications/misc/dspdfviewer { } ;.

Why does cmake not find the provided libsForQt5.poppler?

Probably requires pkg-config in nativeBuildInputs.