this are my settings as a module, works w/o any flaws, @peterhoeg is a mf’ing genius who’s all over the nix repos, so you betch it works
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
# Most modern printers are capable of the IPP everywhere protocol, ie printing without installing drivers.
# This is notably the case of all WiFi printers marketed as Apple-compatible
# see
# Check existing printers with lpstat -s and remove printers with lpadmin -x <printer-name>
# lpoptions [-p printername] -l shows supported PPD options for the given printer.
# HP Color LaserJet Pro M454dw
# http://localhost:631/
services.printing.drivers = with pkgs; [ hplip ];
hardware =
printer = "HP_Color_LaserJet_Pro_M454dw";
hostName = "";
printers = {
ensureDefaultPrinter = printer;
ensurePrinters = [
name = printer;
deviceUri = "ipp://${hostName}";
model = "HP/hp-color_laserjet_pro_m453-4-ps.ppd.gz"; # Location of the ppd driver file for the printer. lpinfo -m shows a list of supported models.
description = lib.replaceStrings [ "_" ] [ " " ] printer;
location = "Home";
ppdOptions = { # lpoptions [-p printername] -l shows supported PPD options for the given printer.
PageSize = "A4";
hope this helps …