Devil Diffusion AMD -- Stable Diffusion for nix systems

@mod, if this is not the right place to post this please feel free to move the thread.

After doing a bunch of research, coding, and more sleepless nights than my wife would like i managed to build a 1-liner install for Stable Diffusion on Nix enabled systems.
Eventually, im going to turn it into a full pkg but im not quite there yet in the dev. Much of the code underneath is poorly written garbage im going to have to go over.

Notably ld issues with the automatic1111 version in reference to malloc, which results in the tab eating all of your memory until a crash. But i digress, its in the oven anyway.

Installing Devil Diffusion AMD is literally as easy as:
wget ; tar -xf AMDv1.2.tar.gz && cd Devil-Diffusion-AMDv1.2 ; nix-shell

The server will launch a new browser tab automatically once its done building.

Please reach out to me if you try it and encounter bugs, this is a project im actively developing.

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