Distributing Haskell library through nix flake

Hi Everyone :slight_smile:

I am attempting to distribute a Haskell library using nix flakes but, after many attempts, I was not able to find a solution.


I am trying to create a nix flake for an Haskell library I am developing to interface the CLI of another project called P2PRC. I packaged the parent nix flake using the standard “gomod2nix”.

The parent project is setup in a way in which any front-end client is developed in a subfolder called “Bindings”. I am developing the Haskell library there.

This is a middle level library intended to define orchestration rules for the P2PRC protocol. You can have a peek at the documentation I wrote to get an understanding of the functionality, if you are curious.


I want to allow people to use a nix flake to import the Haskell library so that they can do an import the library into their own Haskell cabal/stack project.

Additionally, I would like to be able to reference the parent flake as a “runtime dependency” so that I can call the P2PRC binary from the environment.

I have read the documentation for nix and nix flake, tried many different approaches, and I am now a bit confused on how to acomplish this.

Importing parent library

I am able to reference the package above when developing and running the package locally but I face some issues when referencing the parent package remotely?

I want to use this reference because it will match the parent package version automatically. Is this the correct way to reference another nix flake module? Should I just point to the remote github repo?

Haskell library

Inside the cabal I reference the Haskell library. I want to expose this to a remote flake file automatically (nix shell/build/run).

What is the best way to allow the import to another Haskell nix flake project?

Many thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

I use a library I have written (~bwolf/xdg-simple-desktopentry (master): / - sourcehut git) in my XMonad setup (~bwolf/myxmonad (master): / - sourcehut git) which you may study in order to get you setup right. Pay special attention to cabal.project. Maybe this helps…