Do you use NixOS on your router/firewall?

I use a Raspberry Pi 4 running NixOS as my home router, with a gigabit USB 3 Ethernet adapter connected to a cable modem and the built-in gigabit Ethernet adapter connected to a switch, along with a Ubiquiti access point. Evaluating the config is annoyingly slow, I think this might be because even though it’s not installing the vast majority of it it’s still evaluating the software in my monstrosity of a config.


Have you tried deploying remotely from a faster machine? I have found the emulation on a ryzen 3700x through deploy-rs to be acceptably fast enough.


I’ve had weird issues when using qemu binfmt. I’m currently using

status update

Bought an apu-2e5
currently mostly based on skogsbrus config.

  • unencrypted zfs boot
  • rj45
    • rj45_0: enp2s0: wan
    • rj45_1: enp3s0: lan
    • rj45_2: enp4s0: lan (future: server)
  • wifi
    • 5ghz: wlp1s0: wle600vx 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n (900 wasn’t available)
    • (future: wlp5s0: wle200nx 802.11 a/b/g/n, by default hostapd seems to be for only 1 card)
    • ordered longer antennas from aliexpress but they perform worse than the stock.


  • ddns
  • wireguard or tailscale
  • ad-blocking
  • might use nftables instead, no experience with it dough.
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I switched my router to NixOS recently Solene'% : Creating a NixOS live USB for a full featured APU router (first using an USB live media but then I came to install it)


That’s actually pretty clever! Gets around disk space problems and leaves firmware in tact for potential disaster recovery. Wonder if I can boot from a USB stick with my router…

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