Docker run and docker exec error

I worked around this issue by pinning Docker itself to an earlier version, courtesy of tomgray on Github:

  # pin docker to older nixpkgs:
  nixpkgs.overlays = [
      pinnedPkgs = import(pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
        owner = "NixOS";
        repo = "nixpkgs";
        rev = "b6bbc53029a31f788ffed9ea2d459f0bb0f0fbfc";
        sha256 = "sha256-JVFoTY3rs1uDHbh0llRb1BcTNx26fGSLSiPmjojT+KY=";
      }) {};
    final: prev: {
      docker = pinnedPkgs.docker;

I simply pasted this in configuration.nix next to virtualisation.docker.enable = true; and it’s a little bit nicer than pinning the entire nixpkgs to an earlier version.

In a little while when the fix gets pushed through I’ll remove this snippet again.