I think before we jump to conclusions which format is best, it’s important to think about what the outcomes should be.
The goals would be:
- extremely simple to do small improvements
- quick feedback loop
- no maintenance of the tooling from our side (we already have a big wagon to push by reinventing devops)
From the top of my mind, here are the desired properties of a good documentation tooling:
- live preview of the documentation as I’m changing it
- good editor integration (live preview, syntax highlighting)
- extremely simple way to render documentation into multiple pages with a search
- good conversion story from docbook
- active community supporting the tooling infrastructure
- good support of references, especially cross-project
The reason I chose asciidoc over markdown was since (4) is basically impossible as markdown support very basic markup and because of (5) - everyone at writethedocs conference said to avoid markdown. There’s also not a good story of (6) for markdown, which is needed for linking between nixos and nix documentation.
So we’re using https://antora.org/ for generating documentation across projects, which uses https://asciidoctor.org/ under the hood to render asciidoc.