Duplication home-manager and nixos modules


but how do i know if I chould choose system or home-manager module if I need the same options from either and I have only one user? Kind of confusing

To cite another example, OpenIndiana splits the system into user and admin, in such a way users can run bleeding edge softwares while the admin sets a bare, stable base system.

You can think on NixOS and Home Manager as these two faces: one for the root, other for the user.

Also remember that in Nix regular users can install softwares without asking for a sysadmin.

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Can anyone tell me how many people are involved in home-manager?
How many end users and how many developers, to be precise.
This will be a useful info for my arguments on the assimilation.

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Not an answer to what you asked but … I’m not a home manager user, but I probably would be if it were integrated into NixOS, even if just because it was available.

I personally always choose the home-manager option when it is available.
This way my WSL at work will share as many configurations as possible.

I don’t know the exact numbers but I guess home-manager is used by a lot of non-NixOS users as my example with WSL above.
So a big part of the people using Nix on a different distro, the Mac and whatnot.


I personally always choose the home-manager option when it is available.

Same here. In my case it isn’t WSL but if I have to use a mac :shudder:.

I must admit, I don’t really get what’s confusing about this. When it comes to bash, you can configure that via a system level file in /etc/bashrc or something user-specific in $HOME/.bashrc. The nixos/hm situation is almost exactly the same.


i will be sincere i initially did not use home-manager due to it being un-official.
now that i use it i find it nice.

i do believe home-manager would have more contributors if it were official like nixos, i know many people using home-manager are not on nixos but this is easy to fix just package it with nix, many people would love a declarative nix profile command. and as it is experimental changing it for the better is exactly what we should be doing.

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Another thing to be looked for is guix home commands (I never tried Guix tho).


I am writing and rewriting a proposal for RFC.

However the RFC #163 is precisely what we need! A portable service layer! It can make the future assimilation way more feasible.


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The only function I want from HM is writing files in $home which is totally unrelated to RFC 160. :person_facepalming: