Enforcing Nix formatting in Nixpkgs

  • Aug 2021: RFC 101 was opened, essentially saying “let’s just use nixpkgs-fmt”, the alternatives of the original nixfmt and alejandra were also brought up, but not much progress was happening
  • Jul 2022: The shepherds (which are changing throughout) agree to decide on a formatting style independently of the formatter, but it stalled again after that.
  • Jan 2023: I take over as shepherd lead, and start leading bi-weekly shepherd meetings, there’s constant progress since then.
  • Mar 2023: The shepherds are using the nixfmt codebase to try out the formatting style in practice, because it’s the easiest to adjust.
  • Sep 2023: The shepherds decide to close RFC 101 in favor of opening a new one. Serokell also agreed to transfer ownership of nixfmt to the NixOS GitHub org.
  • Nov 2023: The shepherds open the new RFC 166 as the rework of the original RFC, nominating and being accepted as shepherds again
  • Feb 2024: After addressing all the feedback in the new RFC, the shepherds call for FCP, subsequently accepted after addressing the final feedback. The implementation of the RFC is being started.

This took longer to write than I wanted it to take, but it’s an interesting history :smile: