Error: path '/nix/store/.../... does not exist

Hello. Hope someone can help me here.

My path does not get recognized, when i try to build it says:

error: path ‘/nix/store/7hf6vx384cd79fyws2r5dvj7lij7xiy9-source/softwareconf/.doom/doom-emacs-private’ does not exist

Even thought it exists

{pkgs, config, … }:
programs.doom-emacs = {
doomDir = .doom/doom-emacs-private; # or e.g. ./doom.d for a local configuration


├── bashrc.nix
├── .doom
│ └── doom-emacs-private
│ ├── . . .
├── doom-emacs.nix
├── fish.nix
. . .

for more details you can also look at my repo:

That’s a git submodule. I don’t think flakes does git submodules yet.

You could add the additional repo as an input (with flake = false) and reference that in your config.

Oh thank you! I thought that would not be necessary, as it is a local path.