Etc files do not get linked from store to /etc in my package

→ yeah got it! :slight_smile: still i do get with environment.etc configuration.
But is it the path to go along? i couldn*t imagine to clutter up my nixos/config.nix with those details for packaging. I would rather apply environment.etc for i.e. vim configuration

  • let me know in case my approach is a wrongthinking
environment.etc = {
  "sane-config/dll.d/brscan3.conf".source = "${pkgs.brscan3}/";
# same error with: "sane-config/dll.d/brscan3.conf".source = "${pkgs.brscan3}/sane-config/dll.d/brscan3.conf";

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/nix/store/7gl3g28qpxqpni5clp4d88v6wpx0xnnv-etc/etc/sane-config/dll.d/brscan3.conf': Permission denied
error: builder for '/nix/store/1d0vdss0k37c9wjrgx2nwdcc6byij3bh-etc.drv' failed with exit code 1

edit: oooh i shall put that into the package expression itself, shall I? :slight_smile:

@numinit i dont need the udev stuff, since i dont use the usb bits. thanks for the headsup though!

i checked in with brscan4 how it does stuff and i also included the modules from config.hardware.sane. to my brscan3 config. That part is working since I dont need my package in env.systemPackages anymore.
Hence my hardware.sane.brscan3.enable pulls that on its own.

I do some progress but still files do not get linked to /etc as I would expect it to. and now comes the twist:

@all brscan4 is actually also a broken package in the same way as my own package. it fails the same way as my own does, so brscan4 is nowadays disfunctional.

shell: brsaneconfig4 -q
sh: line 1: /opt/brother/scanner/brscan4/brscan_cnetconfig: No such file or directory

i gotta quit for today working on this stuff, but i am dedicated to get it working :slight_smile:

Question: do you maybe have some readups on how nix does /etc different than i would expect from other distros? i found there is /etc/sane-config and /etc/static - both directories that wouldnt be there on any other distro i know about.