I apologize for jumping in late to this thread as I was dealing with a few unexpected events during October.
Going to try and answer a few of the comments:
@Lyndeno I’ve met with multiple legal teams and it seems that the process for Open Source technical non profits has had a slight change with a significant lowering in chance of success. Therefore I’ve moved this to a P1 (mid pri) based on that feedback from legal counsel. I plan to check on this again with at least two different firms in Q1 2024. Open for thoughts or feedback!
@ehmry I’m curious for more thoughts on this and your perspective as I’ve been viewing the benefits to the community to obtain a tax-deductible status as quite high since it’s a prerequisite for many companies when making more significant donations.
@iFreilicht The foundation has historically only paid to “keep the lights on” → Infra/financial/legal/community support. There are multiple discussions happening right now around the funding side across the community (notes from NixCon discussion groups NixCon Governance Workshop - Announcements - NixOS Discourse). The way I currently perceive it is across two areas:
- As we scale we are going to need more support/efforts to go into making our infra/“keeping the lights on” scalable and sustainable. The main example on my mind for this is our S3 Cache ( NixOS S3 Short Term Resolution! - Announcements - NixOS Discourse) where the foundation support fund developers to help provide a long term solution in a shorter timeline and this is why we have a set aside budget. This goes back to the main goal of the foundation to support Infra and make Nix live another day
(ideally many many days).
- Thinking through how we can best utilize funds to scale/support/empower individuals, teams or areas of the Nix ecosystem which is what is being discussed in the various community threads.
@ehmry On the topic of “I think companies should “donate” to the NixOS foundation if they benefit from NixOS.” I very much agree with this and community teams have had discussion on the topic as well which are still open (part of the link I shared above). Curious if you have any thoughts on how this should be communicated to companies. Do you think we should have something more formal in place?