Explicit runHook in derivation

How did you come up with this number? The whole nixpkgs repo mentions those phases about 6k times:

% grep -r buildPhase . | wc -l
% grep -r installPhase . | wc -l
% grep -r checkPhase . | wc -l  
% grep -r unpackPhase . | wc -l
% grep -r fixupPhase . | wc -l

So in the very worst case we would have to add no more than 24k lines. And even if it’s 200k lines, I don’t see a big issue with doing that. I do agree with the rest of your point that adding those manually is just a major waste of time.

I calculated when saw people working on inserting runHook for the first time. It was few days ago, and probably the value was remembered incorrectly (or did it by multiplication of extra 16 lines for each 10k+ derivation).
ok, let it be ~20.000, not ~200.000

Could we articulate the problem with override* and then fix it in a generic way, by altering override* or by introducing a new set of override* functions to address the problem (which I fail to see, but I accept that it could be there).

Can we please stop focusing on override? I think that’s a red herring. Forgetting the hooks is a problem even for non-overridden packages because of the potential to silently break existing package setup hooks or to confuse future maintainers when adding hooks down the road.

Besides, the problem wouldn’t even be fixed at the override level, it would be fixed by changing the mechanism by which we override the default phases such that it doesn’t suppress the hooks.

Hmm. Any concrete examples or tickets ?

I checked last night, nearly all of the default hooks are on the fixupOutputs phase which seems rather unlikely for someone to override. There is one on postUnpack though (set-source-date-epoch-to-latest.sh), which means it’s being skipped for all of the various packages that override unpackPhase because in a quick spot-check right now I’m seeing a lot of unpackPhase overrides that don’t run the hooks.

There are other opt-in hooks too, but I’m not particularly familiar with what phases they’re attached to.

Can I see a single example?

> rg 'unpackPhase ='
11:  unpackPhase = "tar xvzf $src";

Ok, undestood.
Let’s count it as the second (atfer override*) issue the mass-insertion of runHooks might solve.

Although, I would prefer to write
unpackPhase = "tar xvzf $src";
with the meaning to override post-unpack fixing of timestamps, and
unpackPhase = "tar xvzf $src; updateSourceDateEpoch";
when the timestamps are to be fixed
unpackPhase = "runHook preUnpack; tar xvzf $src; runHook postUnpack";
is more readable/maintainable for the majority of the people.

The way the phase is expected to be written today is

unpackPhase = ''
  runHook preUnpack
  tar xvzf $src
  runHook postUnpack

I’d really like us to move to a world where just writing unpackPhase = "tar xvzf $src" doesn’t disable the pre/post hooks and you have to instead write something like skipUnpackPhaseHooks = true to skip the hooks.


I see that some of the hooks in nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/ create own phases, so they won’t be disabled in phase override.
So set-source-date-epoch-to-latest.sh could be written in that way if you want it to stay on unpackPhase override. It might be a simpler solution than taking care in every derivation.

How? The closest I can see to what you’re describing is there’s a few specific spots that hooks can insert phases, such as prePhases, preInstallPhases, etc. but those don’t exist in between every phase, and in particular there’s no such spot in between unpackPhase and patchPhase.

Also any derivation that explicitly sets phases (of which there are a bunch) disables this feature too. So for example if we did have such a postUnpackPhases extension point and set-source-date-epoch-to-latest.sh used it, then the following would break that despite running unpackPhase:

32:  phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ];

Here is an example of someone expecting to use a preConfigure hook and being surprised by an hardcoded configurePhase.

Similarly, buildRustCrate used to ignore those hooks for its custom install phase, until someone needed to use postInstall.

Our nixpkgs manual states this for every pre- and post- hooks:

Hook executed at the start/end of the xyz phase.

… and not:

Hook sometimes executed at the start/end of the xyz phase.

I believe there needs to be a consistent behaviour and that pre- and post- hooks should always be available, regardless of how a package is built (hardcoding phases or not, custom build functions or not, etc). Because of PoLA, and because it’s just better UX.

Similar to @lilyball I’m all for a way to hardcode phases that doesn’t lose these hooks. AFAICT this is not a trivial thing. Until then, I’m still convinced any hardcoded phase should start with runHook prePhase and end with runHook postPhase.


Yes, build* functions definetively need runHook, I fixed buildPerlModule recently for the same reason.

About the derivations which overwrite *Phases, if you open a PR which will add all 20000 runHooks, I will say nothing against it (although I hope that discussing the PR will produce a more optimal solution).
What I do not like is adding dozen runHook at random places in irrelevant PRs, there should be either 0 or all 20000, anything in between is inconsistent garbage which one cannot rely on

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So that’s what this whole rant was really about. :slight_smile:

Do we have a policy stating that an improvement must be made treewide or not made at all? I don’t remember reading something in that vein, but maybe there is.

Treewide PRs also means huge code churn and plenty of merge conflicts for existing PRs. It’s my understanding that some “lesser” issues can also be addressed when opportunity arise during review of usual PRs like version updates.
All at once or little by little, in the end it’s the same amount of occurences that would need fixing. So your dislike is irrational.
I may end up crafting the treewide PR that you demand, but it’s not my priority. Nor was it anyone else’s until now, apparently.

Note that the PR above added only postInstall to buildRustCrate, but not preInstall. Similarly, your PR focused on buildPerlModule and left out other custom build functions that may be flawed in the same way (I don’t know if there is – haven’t checked). I still call that valuable contributions. In your parlance, I guess you say irrelevant random garbage.

I do not think adding runHook to installCheckPhase as an improvement, it is a no-op change which could be justified only as a small step (1/20000) in the tree-wide improvement (“it is no-op but the same as in every other derivation for consistency”)
Same change in unpackPhase of foldingathome (the example above) could be seen as a small fix.
But no-op changes… sorry, I cannot see them as small improvements without the context of the final goal of making runHooks consistent. And that conflicts with the tactics, which requires too many years to get things into consistent state by making so small contributions. Then better not to do it at all in order to have the things in the consistent unfixed state.

Well, there are other tree-wide improvements going in small steps, like namepname migration, whose final goal is still under discussion and it would be nice to get it clean (although my mass-change PR has been accepted I still feel uncomfortable that the final goal of how pnames are to be mapped to upstream/repology names is still not defined). Other tree-wide refactorings which got into a half-fixed state are not good examples to follow

It is probably good time to introduce the policy, because it gets ridiculous that people tend to break consistency for the sake of consistency.

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Introducing a policy like this is a great way to ensure nothing ever gets better, because treewide changes like this have a very high barrier to actually doing.

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I’ve reopened [RFC 0032] Phase running changes for better nix-shell use by dezgeg · Pull Request #32 · NixOS/rfcs · GitHub to fix this generically!

If @dezgeg doesn’t want to carry it forwards as author and someone else here does feel free to speak up! Otherwise I’ll take over on thursday when we have a RFCSC meeting anyway.


This runHook flashmob has pretty good virality
New PR, new author, same pattern: refactoring introduces runHook’s in unrelated PR


Yea, I still see it as, “probably more correct, and may be useful. But in most cases, unneeded”.

The original maintainer may have had use cases where the hooks where necessary. Seeing as dune is a buildtool for OCaml packages, this may very well be the case