Extending pkgsCross

I’ve added a new platform to lib.systems.examples:

final: prev: {
	lib = prev.lib.extend (finalLib: prevLib: {
		systems = finalLib.recursiveUpdate ({
			examples.mipsel-none-elf = { config = "mipsel-none-elf"; } // finalLib.systems.platforms.gcc_mips32r2_o32;
		}) prevLib.systems;

…but it was only after I got that working that I realised /pkgs/top-level/stage.nix (where pkgsCross is defined) isn’t affected by overlays -_-
How do I add to pkgsCross, or otherwise transform a full packageset into a packageset for a specific target platform?

nixpkgsFun isn’t exposed so you’ll just have to import pkgs.path with the config and overlays(pkgs.overlays) you want to use

That does seem to get the correct values for host and build into mkDerivation.

# { pkgs, ... }:
	systems = lib.recursiveUpdate {
		examples.mipsel-none-elf = { config = "mipsel-none-elf"; } // lib.systems.platforms.gcc_mips32r2_o32;
	} lib.systems;
	pkgsPSX = import (pkgs.path) {
		inherit (pkgs) config overlays;
		crossSystem = systems.examples.mipsel-none-elf;
in {
	PSn00bSDK = pkgsPSX.callPackage ./PSn00bSDK { inherit systems; };
{ lib
, systems
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, cmake
, ninja
stdenv.mkDerivation {
	pname = "PSn00bSDK";
	version = "0.24";
	src = /*...*/;
	nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ninja ];
	meta.platforms = [ lib.systems.inspect.patterns.isMips32 ]; #TODO use systems.examples.mipsel-none-elf here for correctness

(Now I’m struggling to find flags which will make the package compile but that’s a separate issue.)