Fixing SDK/deployment target on osx x86-64 (vs aarch64)


I’m pretty desperate in getting a flake I wrote to work on osx x86-64.
I’m pretty new to Nix and there are still many things I don’t understand.
Basically, some python package requires some osx >= 10.13 features. When building wheels, I can see that on aarch64, the deployment target is osx 11.0, and everything works, whereas on x86-64 I get osx 10.12, and it fails.
I’ve red several things about overriding the sdk and such but I can’t for the life of me make the thing work. How can I make it so that my build will be the same across the two architectures ?


The easiest answer is to use unstable. The minimum was updated to 11.3 on both architectures.

For 24.11, add apple-sdk_11 and (darwinMinVersionHook "11.0") to buildInputs. That will use the same SDK and minimum version on both architectures.

See the nixpkgs documentation for more on Darwin SDKs in nixpkgs.

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