Flake: patch inputs?

Is there existing reasoning over a hypothetical patches facility for flakes?

  inputs.foo.patches = [ # in order merged
     "abgc6h"; # same remote
     "ref/pr/123"; # same remote pull request
       url = "github:foo/bar/abgckh"; # different remote

Evaluation fails if patches don’t merge cleanly.

If they where supported, (non-local) patches are inputs after all.


What exactly do you want to patch?

The flake itself or some of its outputs?

Effektively the source tree of the underlying flake itself. In practical terms, I ultimately desire to have a dirt cheap, elegant and quick way of pulling in (several!) Pull Requests (for the most time) without the need to fork and build an aggregated branch manually.

If I use a fork as input, the input declaration — while formally true — loses semantic richeness: it might be valuable for an observer to see at first glance what (temporary!) patches are applied on any given input instead of perceiving a “fork”.

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