(German) casual mumble meetup every Wednesday 19:00 - 23:00 (CEST)

For a few months we have a meetup on lassulus’s server:
Right now we are mostly German speaking participants also we switch to English from time to time.

To join simply run:

$ nix-shell -p mumble --run "mumble mumble://$USER@lassul.us/nixos"

You can also join with the web version.

Join on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.lublin.mumla&hl=en&gl=US
Join on iOS: ‎Mumble on the App Store

It will be also announced via IRC on #nixos on hackint.org right before it happens.


Just a reminder that also today there will be another meetup, like every week.


Is there a fixed schedule for this meetup? If yes, could you please name the time?

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Yes. As the title said, it’s every thursday 19:00 CEST.


In the title it is indicated Central Europe Time. It’s Berlin-Paris-Madrid-Bruxelles.

Last time I tried attending, but really too late, something like 21:00 or 22:00.
My german was not sufficient for understanding enough. But I learnt the word “packagiert” :slight_smile:

They were deeply in conversation, and sadly they seemed not to have noticed my message so as to switch to English.

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Sorry. I try to watch out for new folks joining, but I might have missed it this time. Around 21:00 to 22:00 some folks might already left again.

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Just a reminder that the meetup will take place again this evening.


Yet another Meetup reminder.


Like every week, we got our meeting in an hour.

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Like every week, we got our meeting in two hours.

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Yet another week, yet another meetup.

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Also tune in today to our lovely meetup!

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Meetup meetup every week!

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Already another week? Already another meetup taking place!

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Another day to run:

nix-shell -p mumble --run "mumble mumble://$USER@lassul.us/nixos"

and for the flake users:

nix run nixpkgs#mumble -- mumble://$USER@lassul.us/nixos
nix shell nixpkgs#mumble -c mumble mumble://$USER@lassul.us/nixos
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Also this week we are going to meet up again.

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Also this night we are going to meet up.

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Another session started just now.

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Gentle meetup reminder.

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First meeting of the year!

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