Hey y’all, I cooked up a few little scripts to help make searching for package names and options a bit easier; I thought I would share the results in case it was useful to others, or to get feedback.
This script can be adapted for a ton of other uses, but here is how I have it wired together:
an XMonad hotkey launches a utrvt terminal, running fzf, this provides fuzzy searching on packages or options, using an fzf preview window to see additional information (current settings or package descriptions).
Here are the results:
First we need to generate 2 text files full of all the system’s packages and options:
- Packages are real easy, simply do
nix-env -qa -P | awk '{print $1}' > allpackages.txt
- Options are a bit harder, I eventually made a short haskell program to wrap around the “nixos-option” command to dump every possible option name, I am sure there is a much better solution to this. But here is my script:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TIO
import Data.Tree
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
-- Builds option list from local nixpkgs (including new modules)
nixQuery :: Text -> IO Text
nixQuery q = withFile "/dev/null" WriteMode (\null -> do
(_, Just hout, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "nixos-option" [T.unpack q])
{ std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = UseHandle null }
TIO.hGetContents hout)
nixBranch :: Text -> IO (Text, [Text])
nixBranch q = do
ls <- nixQuery q
if T.isPrefixOf "Value:" ls then return (q, []) else
let ls' = T.lines ls
lsd = if T.null q then ls' else map ((q<>) . T.cons '.') ls'
in return (q, lsd)
mkTree :: Text -> IO (Tree Text)
mkTree = unfoldTreeM nixBranch
leaves :: Tree a -> [a]
leaves (Node x xs) | null xs = [x]
| otherwise = concatMap leaves xs
options :: Text -> IO [Text]
options q = leaves <$> mkTree q
main = TIO.writeFile "alloptions.txt" . T.unlines =<< options ""
even looking at that script again I see a few things that would make it significantly faster. Piping directly to the file instead of using “writeFile” would be a big improvement. But in any case this is functional. Compiling with “-threaded” helps a bit, but full disclosure: this is slow as hell and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. When I set out I had imagined I was going to to hold onto this tree structure, but in actuallity it shouldn’t construct a tree at all. Instead it should just crawl through the options and immediately write them to the text file when it reaches a dead end. IN ANY CASE IT WORKS haha
Edit: I have made a solution with Nix that is a million times faster. It can be found here for anybody who wants to use it.
to run fzf I use:
cat allpackages.txt | fzf \
--reverse \
--prompt="NixOS Packages> " \
--preview="echo -e \"{1}\n\"; nix-env -qa --description -A {1]" \
and for options
cat alloptions.txt | fzf \
--reverse \
--prompt="NixOS Options> " \
--preview="echo -e \"{1}\n\"; nixos-option {1}" \
for folks who want to wrap all of is a urxvt launcher:
urxvt -e zsh -ic 'cat allfoo.txt | fzf ...'
Just remember to add extra escapes and what not where necessary.
- Obviously improving the haskell program
- Add fzf actions to open files that define packages and options.
- Colorize/otherwise improve fzf previews