Help setting up v2ray (no outbound connection?)

I’m trying to set up a v2ray client so I can use my vless configs. My go is nekoray but I also tried qv2ray and v2raya to no avail. Nekoray installs and runs without any error but can’t connect to any server.

Normally turning on the system proxy and connecting to a webite using xray logs
“accepted URL [http-in >proxy]”
and using sing-box logs
“inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to URL”
“outbound/vless[proxy]: outbound connection to URL”

but in nixos nothing happens when connecting only with system proxy and without tun mode on and internal tun off. With tun mode I don’t get any outbounds. the log is full of “dns: exchanged” and “dns cached” and some “inbound/tun[tun-in]” for the same url but none for outbound connection. Still logs say that it has found an is using cores an tun and there isn’t any errors in the log either.
Haven’t checked the logs for qv2ray and v2raya but I guess they have the same problem

What I tried:
patching nekoray’s binary like Package request: nekoray · Issue #244451 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub
nur.repos.pokon548.nekoray-bin that patches the appimage
nekoray should take care of the core but I also tried to installing xray core and config it with sevices.xray setting up keys and such.

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yo! i’m going through same problems with nekoray, you ever managed to fix it?

upd: i’ve also tried exporting xray config from nekoray and doing stuff with services.xray, enabling the service and providing path to file. it does read the file, start the service, tho goes nowhere further than “nixos xray[1302]: 2024/12/01 19:09:00 [Warning] core: Xray 24.9.30 started”.