Help with neovim flake

I recently moved my neovim config to use full nix-flake, but I receiving a neovim error that I’m being nable to debug:

You could try my config with:

nix run github:matdsoupe/neomat#nvim.

And the error is:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>57_add_local_mapping:
line    1:
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
E714: List required
Press ENTER or type command to continue

How I could debug this?

The thing that’s causing the error is something in bullet-vim, I think. Try removing/commenting out this line…

Oh, thank you! I thought that was something broken on core.nix or basic.nix

I will try to figure out what is getting in conflict!