How can I setup Waydroid as a desktop session?

I have a tablet for my kids that I want Waydroid to autostart on. Do we have some similar instruction to kodi as a desktop session?:wink:

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The Waydroid module doesn’t support using Waydroid as a desktop session but you may have success adapting the instructions for Kodi - With Wayland to run the Waydroid session. Something like the following may work for you but you will need to run sudo waydriod init on the machine before it will work.

{ pkgs, ... }: {
  # Create a user waydroid-desktop and run Waydroid inside Cage as that user
  users.extraUsers.waydroid-desktop.isNormalUser = true;
  services.cage.user = "waydroid-desktop";
  services.cage.program = "${pkgs.waydroid}/bin/waydroid show-full-ui";
  services.cage.enable = true;

Something very similar to what you want to do is using NixOS as a kiosk and this is a good answer on how to do so.

Here is an example of a flake for creating an ISO image of NixOS which runs Firefox as a kiosk that could be adapted.


That’s just excellent;). This works;). Thanks a big bunch.