How to configure Nixos for Kiosk or Fullscreen applications?

with wayland I used:

  services.cage = {
    enable = true;
    program = "${app}/bin/my_app";
    user = "some_user";

  # wait for network and DNS"cage-tty1".after = [

with x11 I used:

{ pkgs, app, user, ... }:

  autostart = ''
    # End all lines with '&' to not halt startup script execution

    firefox --kiosk &

  inherit (pkgs) writeScript;
  services.xserver = {
    enable = true;
    layout = "us"; # keyboard layout
    libinput.enable = true;

    # Let lightdm handle autologin
    displayManager.lightdm = {
      enable = true;
      # autoLogin = {
      #   timeout = 0;
      # };

    # Start openbox after autologin
    windowManager.openbox.enable = true;
    displayManager = {
      defaultSession = "none+openbox";
      autoLogin = {
        inherit user;
        enable = true;
  };"display-manager".after = [

  # Overlay to set custom autostart script for openbox
  nixpkgs.overlays = with pkgs; [
    (_self: super: {
      openbox = super.openbox.overrideAttrs (_oldAttrs: rec {
        postFixup = ''
          ln -sf /etc/openbox/autostart $out/etc/xdg/openbox/autostart

  # By defining the script source outside of the overlay, we don't have to
  # rebuild the package every time we change the startup script.
  environment.etc."openbox/autostart".source = writeScript "autostart" autostart;

For x11, I stole that config from

I regret nothing.

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