How to install a specific version of a package from my configuration.nix

Thanks! It builds without the added amuleDaemon = final.amule-daemon; part. If I add that I get:

error: attribute 'amule-daemon' missing

       at /nix/store/pd0nbbj390bzd2bk27dg84b1rjqxjjmg-source/container-mule.nix:47:25:

           46|           };
           47|           amuleDaemon = final.amule-daemon;
             |                         ^
           48|         })

Another curious thing: amuled is built in the container and exists, but it’s not on the path for some reason?

[root@mule:~]# amuled --help
amuled: command not found

[root@mule:~]# /nix/store/qgwnw4bal9sdss1fzs9j4ixbphc8nqbv-amule-2.3.2/bin/amuled --help
Usage: amuled [-v] [-h] [-c <str>] [-f] [-p <str>] [-e] [-o] [-r] [-w <str>] [-d] [-i] [-t <num>] [ED2K link...]
  -v, --version           	Displays the current version number.
  -h, --help              	Displays this information.
  -c, --config-dir=<str>  	read config from <dir> instead of home
  -f, --full-daemon       	Fork to background.
  -p, --pid-file=<str>    	After fork, create a pid-file in the given fullname file.
  -e, --ec-config         	Configure EC (External Connections).
  -o, --log-stdout        	Print log messages to stdout.
  -r, --reset-config      	Resets config to default values.
  -w, --use-amuleweb=<str>	Specify location of amuleweb binary.
  -d, --disable-fatal     	Do not handle fatal exception.
  -i, --enable-stdin      	Do not disable stdin.
  -t, --category=<num>    	Set category for passed ED2K links.

The rename happened 16 days ago and hasn’t been backported to stable I don’t think, so it being necessary or not depends on what channel you’re on and/or how up to date your system is.

As for amuled being added to your $PATH, enabling the module won’t do that as you can see by looking at how it’s defined in nixpkgs here (note the lack of any environment.systemPackages or similar), and so you’ll have to do that manually.

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Oh well, I don’t actually need it on the path anyway. So long as the daemon runs, I’m happy.

Thanks for all the help, guys!