How to install bitmap fonts?

I found a repository full of some amazing bitmap fonts, but the installation instructions are for systems with a /usr/share/fonts directory. How would I install these fonts on NixOS?

You should be able to do something like this:

{pkgs, ...}: {
  fonts.fonts = [ "${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "Tecate";
    repo = "bitmap-fonts";
    rev = "5c101c91bf2ed0039aad02f9bf76ddb2018b1f21";
    sha256 = "0s119zln3yrhhscfwkjncj72cr68694643009aam63s2ng4hsmfl";
  }}/bitmap" ];
  fonts.fontconfig.allowBitmaps = true;

then nixos-rebuild switch

This worked, thanks!