How to llvm-tools-preview without rustup?


I need llvm-tools-preview, but I dont use rustup. I installed everything Rust related like this:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

But I cant find a Nix package for llvm-tools-preview.

Please help :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Just add rustc.llvmPackages.llvm which will contain all the tools also contained in llvm-tools-preview (which is β€œllvm-tools-preview is a rustup component that contains some LLVM tools”) matching the LLVM version used by rust.

Note that in general I would not recommend installing development utilities globally. Usually it makes more sense to create granular dev environments per project using shell.nix etc.


Thank you very much. That helped partialy. Now its complaining that it needs llvm-profdata, and I cant find a NixOS package for it either. More help is needed :slight_smile:

Note that in general I would not recommend installing development utilities globally. Usually it makes more sense to create granular dev environments per project using shell.nix etc.

Yes yes, off course. I am aware of that. I am just experimenting with NixOS after rediscovering it a few weeks a go.

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llvm-profdata is part of that package as well. Something else must be the problem.

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Oh! In that case I will continue investigating. Thank you :slight_smile:

I could not find what is the problem with the missing llvm-profdata. For future people who see this, I’ve opened a separate topic on this: Llvm-profdata, grcov and Rust code coverage.

Hi, if you use toolchain file, you can add components instead add rustc.llvmPackages.llvm just like this:

channel = "nightly"
targets = ["thumbv7m-none-eabi"]
components = [ "llvm-tools-preview" ]