How to make NixOS so easy that people can be productive up front, without having to first learn the nix language?

I wonder if we could have a custom wrapper that would possibly suggest a simple FHS nix shell script on error, at least for dynamically libraries loaded at start (and perhaps a wrapper around dlopen()?)

Basically something like nix-autobahn but perhaps (a) don’t automatically do anything just print what nix shell expression you might use, and (b) useable as a dynamic linker.


What does that mean? Could you write it as a plain sentence? I’m not a mathematician. :slight_smile:


Yep, that’s it. A bunch of Node/Electron/Web projects, each with differing requirements binary wise. In plain Linux I can work on them all fine without hiccups.

Mostly NPM packages that ship with binaries. electron is the big one. I got local electron working with steam-run, but then git command broke.


Here’s a WIP module to do this:

Interested in seeing if it works for other people’s binaries.


Seeing as you don’t understand that notation but are still using nixos, that kind of (but not completely) invalidates what I said…

How long have you been using nixos?

Outside of the nix language I have zero functional programming experience, nor had I ever taken a theoretical math class back in my days as a student. While the manual has this notation to explain functions the manual also has examples to explain every function. My eyes glazed right over this notation as there was never any need to understand it.

I have been using NixOS as my daily driver since around 17.03 - 17.09 and never once had the inclination or need to run a trivial google search and find out how to read that.



The rejection you got there was a lot :frowning:, but I believe it was well based.

A good thing NixOS could provide is a thing like steam-run, an isolated environment to run these programs. I believe that would help a lot of people just entering NixOS and even current users.
Something like that would help productivity when you’re in a pinch.


It seems like making a alias to steam-run and publicizing it a bit would go a long way.


And remove the actual steam runtime from it, since it is unfree and not needed for other binaries.

Edit: I mean remove it from that “alias” / copy, not from the original steam-run of course.


I propose fhs-run as the command name, and have a similar surface to an ubuntu desktop. It will be a pretty big closure size, but at least most things would run.

There’s been too many times when the only missing dependency was :frowning:


That name sounds fine and matches the already existing concept name, so that’s good. Another name I thought of was lax-run to indicate this isn’t our normal strictness.


Would implementing lsb-run that strictly implements LSB, and lax-run that extends lsb-run with additional common runtime things be feasible? (Maybe steam-run could also extend lsb-run?)


On that topic, has anyone looked at changing that message to something more informative?

bash: ./my-binary-from-the-Internet: No such file or directory

I don’t think thats a nixos specific error message, Pretty sure the dynamic libraries are trying to be accessed and just fail with that message.

EDIT: It’s unfortunate that it doesn’t specify the library that it failed to load, but rather the executable that you can verify easily does exist.

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It’s not NixOS specific but NixOS users are more likely to encounter it. It’s pretty confusing, especially when the invoked program is deep in a script so there is no direct references to it.

$ file rambox 
rambox: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=23bf81ad05c6919e0a4de1c60628410fc1fb0d95, stripped
$ strace ./rambox 
execve("./rambox", ["./rambox"], 0x7ffbffffa680 /* 74 vars */) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
strace: exec: No such file or directory
+++ exited with 1 +++

The kernel is returning ENOENT and glibc is probably pre-filling perror(3) with “No such file or directory”.

At that point the user starts wondering what the issue is since the file exists. Have to learn about the ld loader and how libraries are resolved on RPATH.


It seems that fedora used to have a patch for that, on bash 2 [1]. The error message it used to produce still yields results when searching the internet. It was /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory and generally hinted that 32-bit libs were not installed.

We could elaborate our own patch by relying on patchelf --print-interpreter to avoid most of fedora’s patch complexity around parsing elf structure. It would be quite easy to spot interpreters outside the nix store. We could then link to a relevant section in the nix manual. (Or even to this discussion :-D)

[1] Tree - rpms/bash -


What I’d like to see is a tool to automatically write Nix builds for arbitrary things. So you could nix-package and it would output an expression like

with import <nixpkgs> {}
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "random-binary";
  src = fetchurl { url = ""; sha256 = "..."; };
  nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook ];
  buildInputs = [ openssl ];
  installPhase = "mkdir -p $out/bin; mv $src $out/bin";

Many smart auto-detection heuristics could be implemented in such a tool, such that ideally users would rerun nix-package to update the expression, not change the Nix expression themselves. If it can’t generate a working Nix expression without help, either the upstream should put some hints into their code so it can, or the tool itself should be adjusted so it can handle that case.

Over time such a tool should get smarter and be able to handle more and more packages automatically, to the benefit of everybody not having to continuously do the same things.


I don’t have the capacity to reply right as much as I’d like now, but I would like to signal my intense sympathy with the premise of this thread.

It’s more heavyweight but I don’t think anyone mentioned virtual machines as an escape hatch - though steam-run (as mentioned) might be entirely encompass that? (just entirely sidestep the whole issue)

sidenote: on the note of VMs, I believe there is work being done on some wayland stuff that might make guest windows usable as host windows, which might be kind of interesting.

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This works if the project explicitly links against a given library, so there’s a way to view exactly what the executable will try to load. But there’s plenty of times when an executable will do dlopen(..), and everything gets thrown out the window.

We could probably do that on a per-language basis, but the number of supported languages could increase over time. However, I would love to just do nix-package https://..., that would be a wonderful change-of-pace; even if I didn’t get to my desired end-state, but was able to get mostly there, it would still help with getting a working expression

Another thing we could do is check for missing linked libraries. As part of a channel release, the release will produce a small sqlite db which contains all the command names (this is where you get The program 'foo' is not installed, ...). We could do something similar for libraries, and be able to give helpful hints about missing libraries, and maybe another option to do --add-missing-deps to automatically include them.


I had the idea at some point of trying to do something like autoPatchElf with a FUSE filesystem, so dlopen and other calls try to load a library and the FUSE system makes things magically appear under you. Seems kind of crazy but it might work?