How to remove an attribute from another NixOS file?


Let’s say that I have a nix file containing the following:

{ config, ... }:

  networking.hosts = {
    "" = [ "host1" ];
    "" = [ "hosttoberemoved" ];

Is it possible to import the file and remove networking.hosts.“”?

I have tried something like:

{ config, ... }:

  imports = [ ./hosts.nix ];
  networking.hosts = builtins.removeAttrs config.networking.hosts [ "" ];

but I am getting obviously infinite recursion encountered.

The recursion comes from using config.networking.hosts to compute config.networking.hosts in:

networking.hosts = builtins.removeAttrs config.networking.hosts [ "" ];

(import ./hosts.nix { config = null; }).networking.hosts will give you the host attr set. Rather then a module you probably want a different format. For example:

    "" = [ "host1" ];
    "" = [ "hosttoberemoved" ];

Then you can just use:

{ config, ... }:

  networking.hosts = builtins.removeAttrs (import ./hosts.nix) [ "" ];
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What if I do not have the luxury of modifying the underlying files and the import took place already elsewhere, is there a way to remove it?

A workaround I thought of, was resetting the host I want to remove, e.g.:

{ config, lib, ... }:

  networking.hosts."" = lib.mkForce [];

but this does not effectively remove the attribute.


NixOS module system forces you to not do this. Some time ago I was puzzled with a similar question

The “NixOS Way” is to modify your first module like this:

{ config, lib, ... }: {
  options.absentHosts = lib.mkOption {

    default = [];


  config = { networking.hosts = lib.flip builtins.removeAttrs config.absentHosts { "" = [ "host1" ]; "" = [ "hosttoberemoved" ]; };



And declare the newly created option in your second module:

{ config, ... }: { imports = [ ./hosts.nix ]; absentHosts = [ "" ]; }
{ config, lib, ... }:

  imports = [ ./hosts.nix ];
  networking.hosts = lib.mkForce (let hostsModule = import <nixpkgs/nixos> {
       configuration = {
          imports = [ ./hosts.nix ];
       };  };
       in builtins.removeAttrs hostsModule.config.networking.hosts [ "" ]


$ nixos-option -I nixos-config=$PWD/configuration.nix networking.hosts
{ "" = [ "host1" ]; }
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I think you could also use extendModules to achieve the same goal (which in my opinion is a big limitation that requires an ugly workaround). As soon as I’ve time I’ll try to see it works.