Hello. I am trying to trace a bug in nixos that affects my system. In 24.11, the intel DDX (xf86videoIntel) is broken. However, in 24.05, it is working. I have determined that this is an issue with some derivation, likely mesa.
What I am trying to figure out right now though is how I can replace the 24.05 version of mesa with a completely different derivation, not just simply using overridingAttrs, etc. I have a system running 24.05, and I want to see if building mesa on 24.05 with the 24.11 version of its derivation (much different from 24.05) causes the same issue I am having on 24.11.
Here is what I have tried so far:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(final: prev: {
mesa = prev.callPackage ./mesa { };
But this seems to try and compile all dependent packages in nixpkgs, including ones that arent installed on my system. Unfortunately, I do not have the patience for that, let alone the disk space!
Is there a way I can make the overlay only compile dependent packages that are installed on my system? Or is there another method available? Surely I am missing something obvious!