How to setup Kafka Server on Nixos

I found some settings on NixOS Search

I’ve added these to my configuration.nix:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ apacheKafka ];
services.apache-kafka = {
      enable = true;
      settings = {
        "" = 0;
        "log.dirs" = [ "/tmp/kafka_logs" ];
        listeners = ["PLAINTEXT://:9092"];

Installing “apacheKafka” updates my system with, and if I imperatively execute

then I can create topics and pub/sub with the consumer and producer. Nmap says the port on 9092 is “open”

However, the is supposed to be generated by

    services.apache-kafka = {
      enable = true;
      settings = {
        "" = 0;
        "log.dirs" = [ "/tmp/kafka_logs" ];
        listeners = ["PLAINTEXT://:9092"];

If I use nmap, I can see the service on 9092 is closed.

How do I get NixOS to startup the apache kafka server automatically with the generated by the declaration in the configuration.nix?

Thanks for any help

I feel you, I had to look at a lot of Kafka docs to have a working setup. Here’s the config I use for a “kraft mode” Kafka, that is, a Kafka which doesn’t need Zookeeper:

  services.apache-kafka = {
    enable = true;
    # Replace with a randomly generated uuid. You can get one by running:
    # random-uuid
    clusterId = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    formatLogDirs = true;
    settings = {
      listeners = [
      # Adapt depending on your security constraints
      "" = [
      "controller.quorum.voters" = [
      "controller.listener.names" = ["CONTROLLER"];

      "" = 1;
      "process.roles" = ["broker" "controller"];

      # I prefer to use this directory, because /tmp may be erased
      "log.dirs" = ["/var/lib/apache-kafka"];
      "offsets.topic.replication.factor" = 1;
      "transaction.state.log.replication.factor" = 1;
      "transaction.state.log.min.isr" = 1;

  # Set this so that systemd automatically create /var/lib/apache-kafka
  # with the right permissions = "apache-kafka";

Thank you!

When I first built it, it failed to start the service. According to

journalctl -u apache-kafka.service

my version expected a zookeeper.connect field still.

May 07 18:48:24 nixos systemd[1]: Started Apache Kafka Daemon.
May 07 18:48:24 nixos java[1037363]: [2024-05-07 18:48:24,693] INFO Registered kafka:type=kafka.Log4jController MBean (kafka.utils.Log4jControllerRegistration$)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]: [2024-05-07 18:48:25,060] INFO Setting -D jdk.tls.rejectClientInitiatedRenegotiation=true to disable client-initiated TLS renegotiation (org.apache.zookeeper.common.X509Util)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]: [2024-05-07 18:48:25,090] ERROR Exiting Kafka due to fatal exception (kafka.Kafka$)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]: org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException: Missing required configuration `zookeeper.connect` which has no default value.
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.server.KafkaConfig.validateValues(KafkaConfig.scala:2169)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.server.KafkaConfig.<init>(KafkaConfig.scala:2160)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.server.KafkaConfig.<init>(KafkaConfig.scala:1569)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.Kafka$.buildServer(Kafka.scala:72)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:91)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos java[1037363]:         at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
May 07 18:48:25 nixos systemd[1]: apache-kafka.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 07 18:48:25 nixos systemd[1]: apache-kafka.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

I added the default zookeeper parameter just to get it to work. Here’s my current config for reference

    services.apache-kafka = {
      enable = true;
      clusterId = "muFUCn_OSq-6It9LTWlY1g";
      formatLogDirs = true;
      settings = {
        "" = 0;
        "log.dirs" = [ "/var/lib/apache-kafka" ];
        "zookeeper.connect" = "localhost:2181";
        "offsets.topic.replication.factor" = 1;
        "transcation.state.log.replication.factor" = 1;
        "transcation.state.log.min.isr" = 1;
        listeners = [
        "" = [
        "controller.quorum.voters" = [
        "controller.listener.names" = ["CONTROLLER"];
        "" = 1;
        "process.roles" = ["broker" "controller"];
    }; = "apache-kafka";

i was able to create topics. Thank you for the help! Would it be “cleaner” if I got rid of zookeeper dependency?

That’s weird, with this config I didn’t need Zookeeper at all. You’ll have to use Kafka from NixOS 23.11 I think, the one from 23.05 is too old for this.

In my case I thought it was better to get rid of Zookeeper, one less services that runs, and the fact that it used port 8080 by default was annoying.