How to setup s3fs mount

As I also found this thread from a web search, I wanted to share a solution I found (open-vm-tools: Shared folders not working · Issue #46529 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub):

Important bit:

fsType = "fuse./run/current-system/sw/bin/<fuse exec name>";

Note: the package must be added to environment.systemPackages for this to work

The original example updated:

  fileSystems."foo" = {
    device = "foo";
    mountPoint = "/foo";
    fsType = "fuse./run/current-system/sw/bin/s3fs";
    noCheck = true;
    options = [ "_netdev" "ro" "allow_other" "use_path_request_style" "url=" "passwd_file=/root/.passwd-s3fs" "umask=0222" ];