Would like to know if something like this is possible to do, and if so what would the best way of doing it be,
lets take this manifes nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/rke2/builder.nix at 5df43628fdf08d642be8ba5b3625a6c70731c19c · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub
what i know is the usually if it is modifiable it has a ? in the input so it takes it, but in this case this one does not so i’m left wondering how it can be done,
here is how i have it defined
here is what i assumed should work but it does not
services.rke2 = {
package = pkgs-unstable.rke2; # the current way of specifying the pacagke
package = pkgs-unstable.rke2.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { # what i assumed should work
rke2Version = "v1.32.0+rke2r1";
rke2Commit = "1182e7eb91b27b1686e69306eb2e227928a27a38";