Keyboard and screen bug

I recently upgraded to version 25.05 and have encountered a few problems, the main one being that if I write any characters, my screen will not update, i.e. the characters do not appear on the screen. Only after moving the mouse cursor my screen will refresh. I had this bug on KDE Plasma, and now I have it on Hyprland. It is also strange that this bug appears in alacritty, obsidian, codium but not in firefox.

Now this bug appears on Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 5 16AHP9, on the main computer which is not updated yet there is no such bug.

Also found out, when a second monotor is plugged in, this bug disappears.

Expected output: no lagging when typing
Received output: lagging when typing unless I move mouse

OS: NixOS 25.05.20241207.22c3f2c (Warbler) x86_64
Host: LENOVO LNVNB161216
Kernel: 6.12.2-zen1
Uptime: 13 mins
Packages: 2258 (nix-system), 1967 (nix-user)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Resolution: 2048x1280, 2560x1600
DE: Hyprland (Wayland)
WM: sway
Theme: catppuccin-mocha-mauve-compact [GTK2/3]
Terminal: alacritty
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 8845HS w/ Radeon 780M Graphics (16) @ 5.137GHz
GPU: AMD ATI Phoenix3
Memory: 2064MiB / 13781MiB

I have the same issue with KDE Plasma 6 and Sway on my Framework 16. Both while watching video (Jellyfin media player and MPV), but also while browsing using Librewolf. I’m using Linux 6.12.2-zen1 as well. Opening and closing wofi or the KDE start menu seems to update things on screen.

Is the mouse cursor also lagging behind?
Have your tried downgrading your kernel Version?
Does this also happen on X11?

Just after posting my message and realising I was on the same kernel as OP, I removed any reference to kernel packages in my Flake and got kernel 6.6.69. This appears to work flawlessly. I have not tried X11.

Sometimes moving my cursor would not change anything on screen and I had to open de start menu/wofi, sometimes moving the cursor was the only thing that made things on screen update. I have a feeling that causing certain animations would update the screen

So i am on Kernel 6.12.7 with hyprland and Nvidia and i have not problem at all.
Brakenium do you use AMD or Nvidia?
Also what happens if you upgrade to the latest Kernel?

I’m using the Framework 16’s iGPU, which is AMD. There is not really a need for me to be on the latest kernel to be honest, so I’ll stick to the stock kernel for now since it’s not causing any issues and I don’t game on this machine. I bet it has to do with Linux-zen’s patches

If it is working fine on Kernel 6.6.69 its good.
However It would be interesting to see if the problem still appears in later Kernel Versions