Kolide launcher in Nixpkgs

Does anybody use Kolide on their NixOS machine? I’m required to for work, and I know of at least a couple others in the same situation.

I just filed a GitHub issue for adding it to Nixpkgs: Kolide launcher · Issue #195965 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

It includes information on how I (very hackily) am running Kolide today, and a plan for first-class support. If you also need this, I’d appreciate some thumbs ups to let me (and the upstream folks) know I’m on the right track (there’s some easy steps for helping out listed at the bottom of the issue).

If you’re successfully (or unsuccessfully) using Kolide, can you tell me what you tried, and what issues you ran into?

Thank you for reaching out, I did run NixOS until mid last year on my work computer and did get Kolide running in a hacky way, by having a wrapper that copies the stuff over to a writable place during runtime.

When I was running NixOS I had a laptop without TPM2 support and had to switch to a new laptop with this support. Unfortunately I did not have time to successfully package tpm2-tss-engine and sscep before receiving the new laptop (mainly because I couldn’t test the tpm2 stuff on the laptop). So when I got the new one I did not have confidence to experiment, also I did not have access to boot an install-able device and haven’t dared to lustrate without knowing all will work well ;).

Also I have taken this as an opportunity to get as much stuff to work as possible via home-manager.

I might take a stab at NixOS on this computer once again if all the things align.

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