I was trying to dual boot another operating system on my nixos system. That process completed without a hiccup but it seems to have messed something up since the network plugin of ksysguard isn’t working anymore. This is the stdout of ksysguard:
$ ksysguard
Couldn't start kglobalaccel from org.kde.kglobalaccel.service: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name org.kde.kglobalaccel was not provided by any .service files")
Icon theme "breeze" not found.
Icon theme "breeze" not found.
Error: standard icon theme "breeze" not found!
org.kde.ksysguard.plugin.network: Helper process terminated abnormally!
org.kde.ksysguard.plugin.network: "The process doesn't have permission to open the capture source\n"
org.kde.ksysguard.plugin.network: Helper process terminated abnormally!
org.kde.ksysguard.plugin.network: "The process doesn't have permission to open the capture source\n"
The network, cpu load, and gpu displays are completely blank.
These are the things I did during installation that could have affected my nixos system:
Resized my nixos root partition (
). -
Changed bios settings.
Changed bootloader from systemd to grub
Everything else seems to be working properly. How do I debug this issue?