Looking for a developer to work on macOS support in Nix ecosystem


As Nix 🖤 macOS - Open Collective has almost reached $2000/month funding, it’s time to find someone that would be interested performing the work.

The goal of this role is to provide smooth experience for macOS users using Nix.

I’d really like find someone that sees joy in open source work,
as you’ll be paid to work with other macOS/Nix maintainers.

You will have full autonomy to make decisions based on community and sponsor feedback about the biggest pain points in Nix ecosystem related to macOS.

Prior experience writing Nix is required.

Willingness to dive deep into the inner workings of operating systems is the most important aspect of such work.

Since the role is quite specialized, prior experience with packaging and maintaining macOS is not required (although highly appreciated!). Funding also provides access to a cloud-based macOS machine.

To apply, email domen@cachix.org with a description of your background and why you’re interested.



I am looking forward to have an ofborg macOS builder again!


I just want to express my appreciation for setting up this fundraiser and thank all the supporters. This effort will hopefully result in a significant improvement of nix experience on Darwin and finally make it unquestionably viable in a broader professional development community.


I know for my work, there’s a lot of mismatch between linux and mac environments, and having more reliability with mac would go a long way for people not to see nix as a hindrance.


I’d love to help with this but not paid because I don’t have enough experience. I have a Macbook for work and run NixOS on my desktop so I notice the mismatch everyday from small stuff like missing launcher icons to Git not being compatible or not having the systemd support for stuff like lorri that i get on NixOS


There will be an ofborg Mac mini available within a week (received it already, just need to bootstrap it for usage).