Mobile-NixOS on LG G5

I’m wondering how easy it would be to set-up mobile-nixos on the LG G5 phone.

I found one in the woods, and I’m wondering whether I’d be able to use NixOS on it after I repair it.

If it isn’t yet supported, how lengthy is the process of adding support (actively)? I realize this can vary, but on average what would it be for a beginner?

I’m a beginner at NixOS, especially mobile, so bear with my ignorance.

The LG G5 is not currently supported by that project: Devices List — Mobile NixOS

You need to figure out how to get Linux in general running on it. That generally means fleshing out the device tree. That’s vastly out of scope of this forum, you might have better luck asking on an Android forum.

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Alright, thanks for the help!

I’ll ask on an Android forum once I’ve got it turning on.

Good to know!